LinkedIn has this neat feature where you can request a recommendation from people you know and work with, so why not leverage this to your advantage? Adding recommendations onto your LinkedIn profile can provide numerous benefits:
- Recommendations from not only managers and clients, but direct and indirect reports, and peers can give a reader a complete 360 view of your professional performance and capabilities.
- As long as you’re not doing “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours,” when it comes to asking and giving recommendation, then others will view your recommendations as a solid source of credibility.
- Fine tuning your recommendations can help you focus your profile on specific accomplishments, projects, initiatives, or skill sets.
- This is a great way to get others to toot your horn for you instead of you doing it yourself.
- You have the capability to collaborate with the person who is providing your recommendation so that it emphasizes what you do best.
- You can pick and choose which recommendations you would like others to see.
- Not sure what kind of verbal recommendation you’re going to get from someone? Try asking for a LinkedIn recommendation first, see what they have to say and that should give you a good idea whether they will be a good referral during your job search.